
new house & a tall girl

So we are officially moved in to our new house.  Thanks to John's parents we got it done.  Still unpacking, but everything is in the house.  Here are some photos ...we live on a lake now...
In Arabelle news...here is her nursery...she still sleeps in our room so we do some playing and diaper changing here...she will soon be transitioning to her own room though...especially for naps during the day...Parker has a tendency to bark at EVERYTHING and she isnt sleeping as soundly as she needs to...and she has met three out of four grandparents so far...my dad is going to visit soon...here are the first meetings...
And here are some pictures of her playing in the bouncy seat...already starting to focus on objects and laugh at things...it's pretty darn cute....and a picture of her and John...I think they look alike...and by the way...we were at the doctor last week and she's in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height...will she be tall like her dad?  Im going to go ahead and say yes...and we'd like to say thanks to thad parks for letting us borrow the blue camo swaddle...sorry thad if it smells like a girl when you get it back!

1 comment:

Crxy said...

The new house look fantastic and I love the nursery!!